Ergonomic Tips for Monitor Placement and Set Up

Ergonomic Tips for Monitor Placement and Set Up

Is your computer monitor’s setup helping or hurting your employees? An ergonomic monitor setup can reduce neck, back, and eye strain. These ergonomic tips for monitor placement and setup will help your employees stay safe, comfortable, and productive at work.

Why Ergonomics Matter

Office workers spend much of the day looking at a computer screen. Their bodies often sit in positions that strain the eyes and neck when their screens aren’t ergonomically aligned. Over time, this strain creates pain and discomfort, headaches, and eye irritation. An ergonomic workspace keeps your employees safe and comfortable during the workday and in the long term.

Ergonomic Monitor Factors

Keep the following factors in mind when setting up a monitor:


The key to establishing an ergonomic viewing distance is to position the monitor so that it is not too close or too far from its user. A screen that is too close will cause eyestrain, while one that is too far will be difficult to see. The optimal placement for a monitor is at a distance where an employee can clearly see the screen without experiencing eye strain. An easy trick for setup is to place the monitor an arm’s length away.

Height and Angle

Ideally, the top of a monitor should be at or slightly below your employee’s eye level. This height will prevent them from bending or tilting their neck, reducing muscle strain. Just like height, the monitor’s angle greatly impacts the strain it places on your employee’s eyes and neck. The ideal angle of your employees’ monitors will vary based on their height but should result in their eyes resting near the top of the screen, where the address bar is on a web browser.

Tips for Set Up

Consider using tools like a monitor stand if you’re having trouble creating an ergonomic monitor setup. Ergonomic monitor stands make adjusting the height and angle of a computer screen simple. Once you’ve set up the monitor, consider an ergonomic mouse pad and wrist rest to accompany the rest of the workspace’s hardware and continue reducing the strain on your employees’ muscles.

A safe and comfortable desk setup can affect how employees feel during and after work. With these ergonomic tips for monitor placement and setup, you can prevent unnecessary strain on your employees’ eyes, backs, and necks. At bluespace interiors, we help organizations create ergonomic workspaces that keep employees comfortable and productive. Check out our offerings and blog for more ideas on creating a balanced office space.