Different Ways To Stretch During Work To Boost Productivity

Different Ways To Stretch During Work To Boost Productivity

When you feel your best, you work your best. Being in top shape and taking care of your mental and physical health enhance your productivity. Instead of worrying about the pain in your back, your mental capacity is freed up to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

However, sitting at a desk for prolonged hours makes it difficult to feel your best. From weighted pressure on your spine and lower back to stiff, craned necks and hunched shoulders, sitting and working at a desk puts your body in an uncomfortable position. Staying still for long hours also affects your blood flow and circulation, further affecting your health and wellness.

Stay healthy while on the job with these four different ways to stretch during work to boost productivity and feel your best.

Seated Pigeon

Your hips and lower back undergo a lot of pressure and stress when in the seated position as they carry the weight of your upper body. The seated pigeon stretches your hip abductors—huge contributors to your posture—which help keep you upright in a position that evenly distributes your weight. Reducing any aches in your lower back, hips, and spine eliminates work distractions, allowing you to perform your best.

For the seated pigeon stretch, sit straight and at the edge of your chair. Plant both feet on the floor. Cross one leg over so that its ankle meets the knee of the leg that is still planted on the ground. Hold, or gradually lean forward for a deeper stretch.

Hand Clasps

Release tension from your upper body and lengthen your spine with hand clasps. Like your lower back and hips, upper body strain causes lots of discomfort and distractions during the work day.

Clasping your hands stretched above your head and behind your back opens your shoulders and stretches your spine. A loose and mobile spine and shoulders help your posture. As your shoulders open and loosen up, so does your chest, freeing up room around your heart and lungs and boosting your circulation and blood flow.

Wrist Rotations

Doing a lot of typing on the job administers pressure on your wrists’ median nerves. Irritating your median nerves too much causes inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort. Stretching your hands and wrists increases their flexibility and strength, releasing pressure on these nerves.

Wrist rotations are one of the easiest and most effective wrist movements to do at work. Ball your hand into a fist and circulate your wrists clockwise and counterclockwise. Moving the lower part of your wrists makes the surrounding muscles more flexible, mobile, and strong, allowing you to perform your job with less pain.

Standing Up

The easiest and most beneficial way to look after your body during work is by simply standing up. When you stand, you stretch your entire body, assisting spinal alignment and reducing uneven strain. The lengthened body also improves circulation and blood flow, further enhancing your concentration. Use ergonomic desks that rise to allow yourself to stand and work simultaneously.

Perform your best by feeling happy and healthy. Design a workspace that lets you easily carry out these different ways to stretch during work to boost productivity and improve your wellness.